I would like to start by saying I have no idea what to rate this movie. I would give it about 4 question marks if that was an option. Also I think there are spoilers here.
Great idea for a movie, too bad the ending did not deliver.
The last minute made no sense and I have SO MANY questions.
Like she just fainted and lost the boat? (but her legs have been working just fine for some time AND DON'T TELL ME THOSE BLOODY BANDAGES AND THE FACT THAT HE MADE HER SLEEP AND PLAYED THAT RECORDING IS THE ONLY REASON WHY SHE COULDN'T USE HER LEGS). How on earth did he survive losing that much blood? How long has that whole thing been happening- cause it seems like it's been going on for a while but where did he stay when he wasn't in the room with her cause the rest of the house looked like it could collapse any minute (he did not fix it any bit?).And really how even did he find that place, did he just stumble upon an abandoned building on a remote island and this building happened to have a perfect basement for his.... activities?! How many times did this poor girl remember the truth and maybe try to escape but he didn't let her and created another scenario? And maybe not at all relevant but how did she find those matches hidden in the wall, if it was something she remembered that was not explained properly and just amplified the sensation of chaos but not in a good interesting movie-like way.
Gotta admit though, he had A LOT of ideas like where did he even get all that stuff!
He used the word "trigger" a lot about what was happening to her but I actually think his psychopathic personality is the one that's been "triggered". And he DID murder a person so YES, he is capable of anything.