Growing up, The Witches was one of my favorite movies to watch and one I probably saw hundreds of times. I remember my favorite scene was when the main characters were turned into mice. Therefore when I was getting ready to watch this movie I didn’t expect for this “remake” to be way better! First of all, I must say that I feel like the older version is scarier as far as they way the witches looked, however, this newer version is way more entertaining than the older version. Anne Hathaway’s portrayal of the grand witch was pretty awesome given that most of the movies I have seen of her are mainly nice characters and I seriously thought I wouldn’t be able to see her as an evil witch. I know she is a great talented actress but her acting in this movie I found pretty impressive. I feel like this is a movie I could watch again multiple times without getting bored as the one in my childhood if I had the time. I love that movies like this are being remade with better visual effects so that children can enjoy and grow their imagination at the same time. I can’t wait to have my little cousins watch this movie since they won’t sit and watch “old movies.” Never written a movie review online but when I saw how low critics were rating this movie I felt I should do it so people don’t miss this gem. Although I have notice before the lower critics rate a movie the better it is. It’s like they pay critics to trash great movies.