I like Son of God and Love it.Much good then
transformers 4 live action movie.This tells a good job of
of God,s Son Jesus who came to are world to save us from our sins.
We need movies like this and the lift behind movies. I mean the ones
with the late Brad Johnson and Kirk Camron.We need movies like this one.More movies this day in age then the movies we got now that
are not good for our children.Me and my late mother Paster
Judy Hogan saw this in 2014.On the same year The Union
Squire theather closed down. My Mother love this movie about Jesus.
Christ.I love the song Mary did you Know and another
song go tell it on the mountain was good. This was the last Bible
movie mother saw in Union S.C.before the theater closed down
and before she went Home with The Lord.I would say this is the
best movie 2014.Then Transformers.
It ,s like Jesus said I,am coming soon.I gave this movie five stars.
Prasie God and Jesus. Amen