Sorry team, this review is not towards any of the drivers or performers. As a long time fan and supporter I need to write this review. This is based on last night's experience in Hamilton ON. First off, the parking situation in Hamilton is dreadful now with half the lots shut down. Some advice, show up 3hrs before the event to secure a spot somewhere if you can; it doesn't help that most of the city is one-way streets. As for the event, this venue (First Ontario Centre) is too small. Half the stunts could not be performed and drivers did not have enough head way to accelerate to perform a decent stunt. Even others watching the event were complaining. To the organizers of this event, please pick a bigger arena (Rogers Centre) and a different city. This will be our last time going and supporting if changes are not made. And to note, Ticketmaster need to support paper printouts for backup. We had issues with our LTE network and had to wait to scan these tickets. They won't accept screenshots. And what if I had to drop off my family to look for parking. They could not get in to prepare for the event as the tickets were my phone or vice versa. I hope other voice their frustration.