The book started well in book 1 but as it progressed the story became lazy. The power structures good and map plots. However it seemed random stuffs were added such as how does luxin relate to the immortals. One of the main bases of Orholam powers used to be about light yet the author didn't relate it to the old gods or immortals for that matter. Some of the worst guys who deserved death got away with it without even getting redemption to the extent that one was given a shocking role rather than the main character. Also not much white luxin was used and it didn't make sense for it to be used that way. Characters that were built up amd had the potential to been iconic and remembered characters were killed off just like that with no damage or impact from their part.
No ahead plans about slavery being an issue. It felt like the story was copy other fantasy such as the thousand worlds copied from Sandersons Cosmere.
The Guile Family was given too much credit. It as if to accomplish anything specular is by having the Guile Blood which in itself promotes nobility against slavery. Also How could a prism be soo crazy as to create two personalities of himself and his brother. That part does not make sense especially when Dazen was out of Gasper and the book brought up the story of Gavin who is still Dazen trying to leave his own jail. It felt like the Author was going against the original plot for that character. Abbadon was also a waste of character like a main villain who came and was just pushed into the story to be removed.
The narrative of the story focused too much on abstracts and plans and rather produced very short ongoings of fights unlike the last battle. For instance before Teias fight, her mind roams a lot thinking of other things rather focusing on what she is to do.
I read this book on reccomendation so I continually gave it hope while reading but the ending was worse. A council with lots of Guiles. Nothing much done for lots of towns and tyrean. Murder sharp who usually was a paranoid killer being changed by wierd words of a third eye to give plot to Teia who should have been killed. And a lot more too.