Went in expecting a thrilling, realistic, emotional depiction of what America could come to if we continue the division and polarization we currently are in. Just 10 minutes in, the dramatic and obnoxious sound effects and the complete lack of context and storyline had me contemplating whether to walk out, yet I stayed in my seat, figuring it would get better based on the generally positive reviews I saw online.
The sound effects and music are completely out of place: heavy metal and hip hop music playing when people are dying, and some weird meditation music playing as a forest is engulfed in flames. I almost fell asleep because of how boring and out of place the movie was, only to be awaken by obnoxiously loud noises and music that are probably designed to keep peoples' attention throughout this poorly-made film.
The entire movie is alike to a teenager playing a video game and driving around like crazy in the midst of shooting and explosions with no context whatsoever. There was no introduction, no storyline, no plot, and no meaning. With the hip hop music and obnoxious sounds playing whilst deceased bodies are displayed, I'm not sure whether I'm supposed to feel sad or upbeat, or just completely puzzled as to what the hell is going on. There's literally nobody to root for, because you don't know who any of them are.
I left the theater feeling deeply unsatisfied and confused. I wasted almost 2 hours of my life, and probably 2 years of my hearing.