I personally think that this show is ok. Not too bad, but not too amazing.
- Plot. I like the concept, and do think that most season/episode plots are passable. I feel like “Storybrooke” is a very on-the-nose name, and am surprised that nobody finds that suspicious.
- Casting. Close to everyone was well cast, especially Regina. The only thing that I don’t like is the actress for Belle.
- Acting. Could use work, but not too bad.
- Scripting. Very predictable, and could use much improvement. Not much humor (which is unfortunate). They also point out the obvious.
- Character design/costuming. I love everything about the design, but the only things I don’t like are Dark Swan’s overdyed hair, the fairy dresses (if you can even call them that), and I may be nitpicking here, but the decision to cut Mary-Margaret/Snow White’s hair.
- Characters. They mix in so many characters it’s overwhelming.
- OST. The soundtrack is AMAZING. It does an amazing job of pulling the audience in! Thank you Mark Isham for blessing our ears.
Overall, I would recommend this show if you’re looking for a good laugh or looking for an interesting show to watch! It’s on Disney+ for anyone interested.