Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is definitely the best Star Wars game I've ever played. The graphics were great for the time and story is just absolutely immaculate. The genius story and amazing controls for the game make this a total masterpiece. I've beaten the game on the hardest difficulty multiple times and it's a decent challenge but not annoying. The boss battles are fun and exciting whereas most modern games they would be more dull. Please share this incredible experience, everyone in the world NEEDS to play this game. There is no consequences to playing this game, only benefits. The only cost is the cost of the game which is just like $15 or something. I never got a chance to play the DLCs but I saw some gameplay and those seem pretty sick as well. If you value you yourself as a member of human society then you must buy this game. Once you get the game there are no dumb micro transactions or any of that just the DLCs which are worth the extra money. The sequels also pretty good but it felt a little short and not as much content. Enjoy the game!