The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
Dir: Wes Anderson
Before you begin reading this here review, please note that I am not the biggest fan of Anderson's newer style. It's not that I don't find it entertaining or beautiful, it's the very opposite. It just feels a bit off to me, that's all.
In my last review I had a look at Anderson's 2005 film, The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou, I proudly said that we only saw a small glimpse at his full imagination. In this feature, we see about %98 of it. With daring use of colour in every shot, painter like precision in direction and a aspect ratio change that probably made several people pause the film then mess with the TV menu for sometime, the Grand Budapest Hotel is a must see. However. My issue with the film is that it often feels like a satire upon Anderson's work which bothers me quite a bit. Some visuals seem forced and uncomfortable and with the over stylistic visual choices it does take you out of the illusion of cinema. My most controversial thought about this whole movie is that I believe The Life Aquatic is a far better film. On the contrary, I will say it was a good film that takes great inspiration from the works of Orson Welles, Stanley Kubrick and several cake tins full of German Expressionism.
Visuals: ****
Plot: ***
Meaning: **
Overall: Seriously. Somebody get me that cake recipe!