Earlier today, I saw Kerala Story. As a mallu, I claim that the director failed to accurately portray Malayali's or Keralites (living style & other ). The Malayali characters in the movie was based on a myth and misconceptions of North Indians about Kerala.
Yes! Not just in Kerala, but also elsewhere in India, the incident took place. It is important to inform the public about incidents and traps, but keep in mind that since India is a sovereign, Democratic, secular nation, these films would only fuel animosity among those of various faiths and beliefs. In my opinion, the movie paints a completely inaccurate picture of the state of Kerala. Why did the director label the movie "Kerala story" although these kinds of incidents don't only occur in Kerala or in a certain region of Kerala? We might conclude that this only aims to demoralize a particular state.
People who, like in the movie, converted to another religion did so voluntarily; nobody pushed them. Please watch the interview with several traitors(available on YouTube) who have zero regrets about what they did, if you have any doubts!. It is not immoral to have a certain type of belief but if it is terrorism to have a belief in something that causes harm to our motherland - Whether they were misguided or not has nothing to do with, where they are from, why they did, what they did, or why they came!
Everyone who converted, married their love as per their wish (According to Indian law 18+ have the right to take their decision about their life).Joining ISIS is also their decision so they are meant to suffer all the consequences!. There is no place for sympathy here.
Note : I don't want to argue with somebody with their perspective here, I am just expressing my thoughts after watching the movie "Kerala story"! I am not a Hindu, Muslim ,Christian or any other particular party hardcore believer, My parents taught me to respect everyone as mine.
ISIS & Indian Muslim have a difference between sky and earth! ISIS believes in terrorism and Indian Muslims believe in humanity. May the believe in same god, follow the same holybook but perspective is different. Please take Kerala story as an awareness and Don't avoid any community by watching the film, We all are Indian so treat everyone like your family
Suggestion : Please watch 2018 movie(must watch one)