It's all right episode 5 is where it started getting good and had a good balance of story and action and thinking about it a tiny bit of it was filler but it was still just great phenomenal, ep 6 is great can't wait for more, the series suffers from too much story not enough action which most shows suffer from the other way around and I don't like kwans storyline she's annoying the first ep was alright when they introduced her I don't like where her story is going now she's trying to keep her dad's legacy going on which I guess is all right but I don't like how the warlord looks like a Wolfenstein N*zi kinda wish we see some fights break out between UNSC and insurrection forces as more eps and season 2 comes out. I want them to be more like the ones depicted in the Halo book with buck and a alpha 9 as spartans on an insurrection planet that isn't just bad guys and warlords just people who don't like the UNSC but I'd rate this like 3.5 I guess if it gets better then maybe a 4 or 4.5