Between glaringly wrong technical information, and just a weak story, I wouldn't waste time watching this. You're going to be far more entertained and informed by Michael Lewis' "Flash Boys" if you want a story about a fibre optic cable and high frequency trading.
-It isn't a "tunnel" they're digging. They're putting in a 4" "duct" or "conduit".
-They imply that single drill shots that go tens of miles. No accounting for fibre reel length, and reel end splice points.
-They talk about repeater spacing at 10 km intervals on a long haul cable. Why not longer? The optics and amplifiers exist to do this routinely.
-Anton has a fusion splicer in his hotel room, and keeps playing with it as if he's going to improve the latency by doing that somehow. There are also scenes where he's got the fibre lit with a visual fault locator so it shines red. Nothing to do with latency. If you really want to check for a bad splice in the field, try an OTDR.
-Everyone keeps referring to "codes", not "code". Really? Has anyone here ever even talked to a programmer?
-Why does Eva's "microwave" tower have cellular antennas at the top on a pinwheel mount? If it's for microwave, it's gonna have a couple of dishes and that's it.
I could go on, but the lack of research and at least an attempt at technical accuracy really made this flick unbearable to watch.