I gotta say most sequels don't measure up. And neither did this one. First of all it seemed so stupid when the enemy (the ones that are amassing drums of nuclear pre-curser materials) is never divulged to the audience. Is it Iran? Or maybe its Yemen? Cuba? The director decided to leave that part out. So the enemy is a big question mark. Near the end when we somehow attain some enemy jets it sure seems ridiculous that Americans have taken some very old enemy jets and yet our pilots are able to read all the instrumentation & actually fly them!! even though we don't know what country or language the jets are from. Remember the director decided to leave the enemy out. Much less can we fly an old enemy jet. Not to mention that we are able to sneak into the hangars and steal some old jets. BTW there weren't any enemy military around to keep an eye on the jets or the hangars. Amazing that we're able to steal and fly old enemy jets. The scene where Tom Cruise and his old GF are speeding in that really Fast boat that shes steering as neither of them are wearing life vests. Not realistic at all. I guess the director figured it would take away from the shot. I guess the 2 of them speeding and bouncing all over the water w/o life jackets could be realistic. NOT!!! The film wasn't realistic. BTW Val Kilmer was there for about 2 minutes. Gee Whiz. No comparison to the original