Spoilers ahead. I watched this so you don’t have to. They’ve tried to take the clunky locked room and a dozen potential murderers in a place cut off from the rest of the world genre and make it all techy and 21st century, (literally stealing the character of Hal from 2001:a space oddessy.) It doesn’t work, it’s as clunky as ever. In the final episode all the remaining guests are gathered in the living room while the “detective” figures it all out. Trying to make cliches fresh, I guess, but what a waste of time. There are at least 3 characters/guests that don’t matter AT ALL to the plot. And seriously: why does that pre-measured dose of morphine even kill Bill? We learn about the pre-filled morphine syringes when the protagonist is given one for pain. Why doesn’t it kill her? Are we supposed to believe some of the syringes have lethal doses and others don’t? This is not answered, and anyway, why would they be? The main character wrote a book that sold only 2,000 copies, (and is invited to book readings) yet all the gathered strangers have read it? Who called the press? Why does Rohan wear that camera-baffling mask when he goes to the river to signal the ship? Why can Rohan and Darby walk 15 minutes to the river but Sian and Darby have to go miles on a snowmobile to get to the same spot? You can drive a fleet of snowmobiles AND an army of self-managing ant-robots through the holes in this plot.