one of the best shows I have seen for a while. Loved the characters and the music. The animation was very pretty and the characters were pretty well written and developed pretty nicely.
It didn't make me cry but I certainly teared up near the end.
Basically, there is a group of 6 kids who always played together. Unfortunately one of them has an accident and drowns. The 5 remaining friends all part ways and barely interact with each other.
5 years later the ghost of the girl who died returns to have her final wish granted but she needs all the old friends to help her grant it.
At the start they are all a little rude to each other and come off as blaming each other for her death when later on in the show it is revealed they were all blaming themselves instead and had no other outlet to get their emotions out other than on each other.
there are other revelations in the series that brig character development and emotion to the table.
The series has a bitter sweet ending which might make some people cry. As the ending is happy and sad like angel beats.
I didn't cry when watching this unlike with angel beats but I was certainly sad at parts and teared up certain times