I gave two stars because its watchable... however, I can't think of why I was willing to watch it. Maybe because I like Edward Norton or something.
Other than that, the writing is terrible. All the twists and turns are rug pulls are so... like, the writer didn't do a sleight of hand, the writer simply lied to you and then went back on it. It was so wooden and clunky and... like, why did Daniel Craig do a terrible Kentucky accent? The whole thing was surreal. I think the writer has never met real people or visited a forest or done anything real in his whole life. This came out of the mind of a teenage boy who spends a lot of time watching cartoons in his mom's basement.
Then I find out days later that its some sort of scummy little attack on Elon Musk? I don't know if that is true, but if you watch it, try and imagine Edward Norton as Elon Musk. It makes no sense. Insane.