A never-before-seen avatar for Vijay out-and-out dedication to the story and director. Vijay the performer is seen, and the film is entirely carried on his shoulders, like all Vijay films. Starting from the dream title card for all Thalapathy fans to the outstanding interval block, the first half of the movie was amazing. The main characters, Trisha, GVM, Mathew, Sandy, and the LCU Connect character, have been utilized properly. Both Arjun and Sanjay Dutt had a great persona and screen presence. Hyena's CG was astonishing. Technically a well-made film. Anirudh's BGM, as usual, acted as a pillar for the movie. Stunt sequences made the movie engaging. DOP and VFX were done well too.
The cons start in the second half: too many lags, no character depth. Madonna, Vaiyapuri, Arjun, Antony, Sanjay Dutt, Priya Anand, Mansoor Ali Khan, and too many other unutilized characters. Though the song Na Ready thaan is a hit number, it didn't fit properly in the movie and made the following sequences dull. One of the sloppiest flashback portions in Thalapathy movies. Could have easily avoided those scenes and trimmed a major part of the movie, making it more engaging.
Climax saved the movie with good back-to-back action blocks, and the final LCU connection made the movie a good entertaining flick, showing its potential to expand more in the future. Definitely worth watching in theaters with friends and family.
Overall:- An action-packed, good film with an average second half. Go watch it for Vijay, Loki, Anirudh, and the LCU connection.