I'm pretty damned weary of all the mystery and hush-hush about Handmaid, and the endless waiting for the next season. It will be near anticlimactic--at whatever point that turns out to be--when it finally resumes.
This smacks of the same tactics as were employed regarding Mad Men. Rumor after rumor floating around before it finally came back. By then a lot of their viewership was too disgusted with the flim-flammery to watch it when it DID return. At this moment, l'm so disgusted with the boardroom-table execs for ruining all continuity, l probably won't bother watching more--too much aggravation, and no payoff. You are losing your viewership fast. If you're trying to destroy a great show, this would be a good way to do it. Morons running the programming. Some of the cinematography was beyond pathetic--like June's getting shot and almost no viewable images--a lot of running around in almost total darkness for minutes at a time. Nothing was make-outable. This is a professional production? Not from where l used to sit.