SPOILER ALERT - First off. I love "Last of Us". I always liked Joel. I really liked Ellie. I never would want Joel or Ellie to die.
With that being said, the game introduces another character, Abby. When we first get to see Abby, we think she's a monster and we'd like to see her suffer for what she did to Joel, but as I played Abby, I really began to like her, almost as much or more than Ellie toward the end, and that is very powerful. In fact, the two lives are almost mirrored reflections of each other so much that it begged the question of how much is too much. I kept thinking, if they could just talk to each other and have a 10-minute conversation, they would see that. I was hoping they'd be friends and break out of a prison together or something.
Some negative reviews call out the fact that we don't really get to feel Abby's pain. I think that's true to a degree, but the game is pretty dang long and although I may have never saw Abby's pain for the revenge she sought, I think we already knew it from the way Ellie wanted revenge. I just grew to really like Abby. I liked her so much, that I didn't want to kill her in the water by the beach. By then I almost felt that Ellie had become the 'bad guy'.
The game is not perfect. I found a lot of unbelievable aspects and it really bothers me when characters can't even try to communicate. There were some bad writing moments too. But, I like that I was afraid, I liked the beautiful flashback memories of the zoo. I liked that I liked Abby's enemy. I wish Joel was alive, but that would take away from much of the silent point that was actually never made. "Hey, Ellie, Joel must have been a dad to you, and that means you know how I feel. I'm in a love triangle too, and my friends pregnant too. We've got a lot in common. Could we talk about it and what we want from this. We've both sought revenge to only lose more friends. I've lost my best friends from seeking revenge, you've lost friends. I've lost a dad, you've lost a dad. But now, I have Lev, and you have Dinah. When will it end? How many more should die?"
Anyway. I digress. I still think it's a powerful and wonderful game. I hope that the negative reviews don't sway the makers from a 3rd.