Watch show every night, but last night the facts on pensions was not good I am a pensioner, hearing aids are FREE to pensionser? so why did she pay ? $400 + people should be able to buy food ect on, no holidays, health insureance is there choice, eye glasses, dentistry is hard, If you live in rental housing you get &40-50 week, the show should be showing how to live on the pension, How does a family live on&1000 week, 2 adults 2 children? Instead of keep showing how hard it is show them how to cope, We all know we were going to get old and needed to save for that, these complaining spent what they earned, and now expect the next generation to surport them, We didnt pay in for this pension either which happens in other countries , Our nurses health care workers are the ones who we need to look after ,age care homes ect , Do people when they get old just keep complaining? If they have spent money all there life, give more spent that too, won't save for rainy day. Please show how pensioners can live and ask why they cant live on it?Carol