Love the actors, the idea of something beloved getting rebooted but the script was terrible, the SPFX were that of something from 2006, and the acting became cringey (I'll chuck this one to the script as the actors have proven themselves prior to this). It started out average, but with hope, then proceeded to do impossible - it got exactly 1% worse every minute. It's boring, predictable, lost it's humor after 15 minutes, and just overall, something I walked out on. I walked out of a movie that I was watching on my own couch. On my own couch folks.
I'm not going to sit here and say it's woke and that's why it was bad because that isn't the case and couldn't be farther from the truth. The actors were given a terrible script and the director/producer handed us a pile of 💩.
I recommend showing this to people you want to leave your house if you find yourself with unwanted, lingering guests during the holidays. It will work. I guarantee it.