Honestly, I would rate this book a five stars. I really love it, and I would read it more than once. I'd heard that there were movies before I read the books, so I was fascinated to see what the whole storyline would be like, and how good it would be considering it had been made into an extremely famous movie. The way Stephenie Meyer writes is amazing. She's descriptive and uses technical words, but not too technical to the extent where you can't understand. I understood almost all of the text throughout the book. When you start reading, like most books it might take a few pages before you really get into it, but trust me, you will eventually. The story is just so compelling. The whole vampire love story - I just love it. I've never read about vampires before Twilight, so it was a new kind of genre of book that I'm used to. However, I love how mysterious but cool at the same time the vampires are. Edward Cullen especially is really strange. My favourite characters are probably Carlisle, Alice, Edward and Bella. Even though some people find Bella annoying in the books, I think she's alright. She's very clingy though, and sometimes doesn't make the best decisions. Currently, I am reading the third book in the saga, which is Eclipse. The series so far has been by far one of the best things I have read. I read New Moon in just over a day, which shows how much I love the series! I really recommend this as a series to read. And the best thing is, once you've read the books, there's 5 films that come with them! The films wouldn't be possible without the amazing story in the first place.