Review: Starfield by BethesDUHHH- Lost in Space Without a Compass
If you’re looking for a game that’s as beautiful as a supernova but implodes just as quickly, then “Starfield” is your jam. One star for the impeccable graphics... and that's where the positives end.
AI?: The combat resembles a merry-go-round. It's fun the first time, but after a while, you're just spinning in circles.
Dialogue Choices?: Want impactful decisions? Try BG3.
Want to be the Darth Vader of Starfield? Tough Luck!: Gear up for a life of sin-less adventure. If you enjoy being the universe’s goody two shoes, this is your game.
Humor: If their aim was to make a space comedy, they missed... by lightyears.
Real Planetary Exploration?: Nope. No Man’s Sky set the standard. Bethesda apparently missed the memo. If you're looking to soar between worlds seamlessly... look elsewhere.
Story? More like Snory.: Enough said.
Disclaimer: If "Starfield" was the first-ever game you played, maybe it would be a masterpiece. For the rest of us, it's lost potential in a galaxy of superior games.
I want my $90 back.