As a student and teacher of the Bible, I was highly disappointed in this film. While parts of this movie were taken directly from the scriptures much else was pure fiction. We cannot mix God’s Holy Word with Hollywood make believe to make the story more interesting. It’s an insult to every Christian not to mention Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. The movie makes Peter look like the Chosen One, not Jesus. It’s sad to see people who don’t know the Bible, see this and believe this farce is the Word of God. It’s not! Beware of false prophets. Don’t waste your time (3,5 hours) or money ($27 for 2) This film was meant to sow confusion. Let me see, who would want that? You know who, the author of confusion. I should have known because at the beginning of the film they say not to tell anyone about the surprise ending. Surprise ending? There was no surprise ending in the life of Jesus. The Bible tells us all we need to know.