First of all this is an Old Theme. Parasite was produced a few years ago and Swept Away produced decades ago. Both are simply much better movies I personally do not enjoy grotesque and gratuitous scenes of folks vomiting all over the dinner table and having mass diarrhea while the ship - uncaptained by a drunk captain who only eats cheeseburgers - founders. Get the allegory?? Huh?? huh?? And I won’t “ spoil” the end but it is beyond predictable. The allegory is overdone and there is not a single character that is likable. According to this film any human is at base an animal who if given the chance will exploit others to the fullest. I don’t agree. I believe in faith in man , faith in God ( of whatever faith-) and the underlying goodness of most of us if we are given even half a chance to survive and endure. We may not be perfect but there is hope Parasite was a MUCH better film