this game sucks its fun for like 4 hours then you think to you self "Hey this is just pokemon yellow remade again but made way to easy because the exp share is always on like why can't there an option to turn it off. I do like that you can ride pokemon and pokemon follow you , no hms and shiny pokemon are shiny in the overworld, some cutsenses are cool . Their is to much hand holding in this game I know its a kids game but in yellow/red/blue the told you barely anything about were to go you had to find that on your own. co-op looked very cool at first but its so op you get to use 2 pokemon and your opponent only use 1 pokemon that not even fair. Lastly the graphs are not good the colors look washed out and the model are reused from x&y. Lets go is not worth $60 they are worth 35$