This film is set in the early 1800s, showing cruel barbaric realities, of documented colonisation, of its time.
With brutal scenes of sexual violence and upsetting life ending scenes, that physically make you wince..
Set in the 1820s Tazmania, where convicted people were shipped to the other side of the world regardless of age.
A young attractive irish woman Clare, with a beautiful singing voice, is singled out to entertain the troops.
Watching is a Lieutenant Hawins, a psychopathic man who commands this small unit of chaotic troops.
Hawkins has promised Clare to sign a letter of recommendation, to release her from her enslavement, but Hawkins expects favours in return.
Clare having more privileges than most enslaved convicts, has a husband and a child and a small shack she calls home.
Clares husband confronts Hawkins about the non signed letter of recommendation, and it all gets out of hand.
In walks Hawkins superior officer, and disaplines the lieutenant, and then also refuses the promotion that Hawkins has been craving for.
Hawkins is then ordered to the city of Launceston, a journey through wild untamed forests, so he selects a few men and a aboriginal guide, and they all set off, Hawkins incensed with anger, he visits Clares shack on the way, and shocking scenes follow.
With Clare in shock and mourning, she becomes incandescent with rage, so she hires a aboriginal tracker called Billy, and with revenge in mind, the chase is on.
Clare and Billy, two people from completely different worlds clash at first, but slowly they start to form a bond.
And finally they both track Hawkins down and the revenge begins.
A terrific film, with great acting and touching scenes, with the breaking down of extremely difficult boundaries, this film certainly leaves a impression on you, a film you could watch again...