The movie is really shallow with only the the protagonist having some sense of history of which it isn't really shwon to the audience to give a retrospect of the origins to the charcter.
The protagonist, Elwood Dalton, a washed up former UFC boxer who does scrapy bare knuckle fights to get some money is the hero to this film. A representation of a modern western movie where the hero comes into town and saves the town almost sigle handedly.
Jake Gyllenhaal performances in boxing films like SouthPaw is always incredible, his movements and delivery of punches accentuate the rigorous training needed to achieve those takes. This is also evident in the road house especially the last fighting scene with Conor Mcgregor it was exquisite.
the western theme was relevenat across the film but failed to provide a proper story.
I would recommend the film for entertainment purposes but its really difficult to understand the plot of the film several questions were unanswered in the film