Of all the ghost shows on tv, Kindred Spirits has been my favorite. First of all, as many others have noted, and as noted in the show's name, their manner in conducting their sessions is kinder, without all the yelling, screaming and cruel provoking, which to me always makes it appear more melodramatic for ratings, instead of reality. Plus, with all the other shows going into old mines, hospitals, and abandoned buildings, I wanted to know more about spirits in people's homes. They treat the homeowners, the spirits and the house with much respect and they attempt, by all means, to resolve dilemmas for the homeowners. To top it off, they have done without all the ghoulish and melodramatic Halloween sound effects. However, this newest season I've noticed they are beginning to take on more of that drama and going into abandoned buildings. Be careful Kindred Spirits that you don't go too far with the spooky nonsense and endless background music, or I will have to move on. Meanwhile, I love your show!