Mistaken initial plot leads on to wonder about motivation of film makers depiction of the black mans transition into caucasian society.little of historical value noted than was expected.I believe this film is a sell out riding on the back of current events just trying to cause a gasp observing how bad African americans emerging into the twentieth century living.gastley fictionalized events distract from the real parrell reality that is briefly steeped into.Damn near worthless extra villant film and nothing left to the viewersi magination.hopscotching between paranoia in the characters mind leaving the viewer to deduce why ? Between that and some realistic early fifties suburbia development paint a gory sketch to leave most of my generations knowledge if just what a tumultuous time we've hopefully worked past,mirroring the thirty year old scared stright approach on crime and punishment We all know how effective that eas in curbing youthful offenders.More harm than good from this shotgun approach of story telling to borrow from my golf tournaments starting tequineqe ...