Total waste of both time and money. Hoping to find at least some redeeming value somewhere in this showing, although I wanted to leave much earlier, to be fair I felt it necessary to sit through quite a bit of this film before finally leaving.This exhibition was nothing more than a parody, created with the sole purpose of mocking the strong and continuous fight against the disease we call racism. There were several instances of laughter from the theater crowd. In this all-but-serious film, the otherwise meaningful question is asked: "What can I as a white person do to solve the racism problem?" To those of us who continually seek a better world, the answer is obvious: Stop doing what you and millions of others have always done to continue such hate. On the other hand, the only "minds" this film's failure at any semblance of professionalism would appeal to are the insecure minds of the racists themselves. Walsh very ineffectively proceeds to provide his own hilarious ideas, from continually "showing off" his DEI card to paying money to a black individual with the clear impression that this is actually what people of color expect. Apparently, Walsh doesn't know enough to even attempt to hide his mockery.