I was a 007 fan, not any more. Seen every movie. Unfortunately, Hollywood stripped every aspect of what made James Bond so debonair. The audience knows the character, I expected sexy women with sexy music and flirtatious gestures, nope gone. Instead we got two adults bickering over who's 007 and who's not. The story line was weak, and the visuals appears to have all red colors removed from the screen making it boring. At least I got to see James Bond In a tuxedo, which is a turn on. It was a soap opera at best. Science story line was at the level of biology 101 and a spooky campfire story for 12 yr olds. I wanted to see inventiveness, cleaverness when unexpected, better stunt men, and a more convincing bad guy. Also would have been cool to have Judi Dench show up in Bond's dreams, she was the best "M".