I went into this movie knowing the reviews were lackluster. However, I was bored at night and I thought, what hell? I got to see it for myself. Normally have a very strong tolerance towards mediocre films and I know M. Knight can surprise me every 6 movies he makes. This movie is beyond what any critic tried to say negatively in a review. The concept of movie is simple. People on a trip to a beachside resort go to a secret beach and start realize (guess what?) They start getting old at a rapid pace 😏. The first red flag of the movie is the teeth grinding B level horror movie script. I can't believe someone in M.Knights corner didn't suggest a rewrite. Every actor is acting flat. It seems like they read their lines moments before filming the scene. Again, this can be forgivable if the movie sets the stage for the actual plot to happen (I'm waiting till they get to the beach before I turn this movie off). Second red flag they introduce all the characters (which was a bit ambitious to cast like 15 characters to follow) by having the kids of the movie going around "being kids" and asking all the adults the run into, "hi, who are you and what do you do for a living?" Fun!! So we skim over back story super quick which is totally fine (it's supposed to be a horror movie), but we get all the classic tropes. A cop, a model, a surgeon?, a nurse, a psychologist, and everyone else is unemployed or a kid. Cool so we set the stage for all these people to try diagnose what's happening on this creepy beach. Red flag number 3: when they finally start getting old (woahh what a freaky concept 🙄) it's so uneventful I wasn't even aware it was happening. The way they portrayed the kids getting older was literally a blurry frame and two stand ins of older kid actors starting to get scared? It's so hard to say honestly what the emotion was supposed to be. Then they shoehorn in like 4 more characters to this beach hellscape by yet again just a flat emotion scene of "oh hey we just got here, what's going on?" I finally had to call it quits when they introduced the character who supposed to be the red herring I guess? He's basically framed for murdering his partner and he's getting random bloody noses. Which is annoying as hell because the camera just keep zooming on his face intensely focusing on blood slowing dripping out of his nose. Is this supposed to freak the audience out? Too much peyote getting smoked in the writing room for this one. I couldn't take it anymore had turn it off. Movie is so terrible I literally don't care what happens and I got 40 minutes into movie. This movie was so terrible I had to go out of my way to write this review! Luckily the budget was only 18 mil so I'm sure they made they're money back. That was only smart move the producers did with this movie.