I don't really know why this movie got such a high rating. It starts out very promising: it does a good job being creepy and unsettling and causing dread. And then as the movie progresses, it really loses that feeling and becomes more frustrating like "why is the main character making such stupid and. unrealistic decisions?". In movies you have to kind of suspend your belief in reality and immerse yourself in that world, but so many things seemed uncharacteristic, unrealistic, and just...annoying. It was funny that Mia hated her dad because "he's so depressing" but then other people hated Mia for the same reason. Her dad lost his wife, and she lost her mom, yet Mia is the only one able to be sad about it? The whole hand thing is weird, they don't really explain why it's "so fun" and amazing, but they include a montage of a bunch of people having a blast getting temporarily possessed and I just couldn't take it seriously after that. I know that people grieve in many different ways, and people lose their sanity, etc., but I could not enjoy this movie past the halfway mark. The main character is self-victimizing, keeps bringing up how she used to date her best friend's BF first, making bad decisions, icing out her dad for no apparent reason, etc. She doesn't want to be lonely but she keeps doing things that push others away. The ending was a nice touch, and the visuals and makeup were really nice though, so I give it 2 stars.