Alfred Quinsay's novel unveils a tale of deception surrounding the ambitious Tony Hua, a wealthy businessman fixated on claiming Philippine land for his grand vision of constructing the world's largest mall and luxury tourist destinations.
Engaging in illicit activities and unscrupulous dealings, Tony's relentless pursuit of his desires encounters an unforeseen obstacle in the form of Ronald Lim, the owner of the construction company entrusted with the project.
Complicating matters further, Emil, a military secret agent and engineer, arrives to oversee the construction, revealing an astonishing revelation—Emil is not only Tony's wife Lily's ex-boyfriend but also poses a significant threat to Tony's endeavors.
With its thrilling and adventurous narrative, "Love is War, War is Love" captivates readers with its unique plot, brimming with high-stakes action and compelling drama.
I was enamored by this book, and I am confident that readers who enjoy the adventure and thriller genres will find it equally enthralling.