I think every actor was dedicated to their part. There was not one character that I thought wasn’t played well. It made me feel. It made feel scared, sad, and I didn’t want it to end. It kept me on my toes. There was not one boring part for me. Robert Did make it his own and I’m very proud of him for that. He took Batman in an amazing direction. There was much more of Batman then Bruce Wayne, but I didn’t have a problem with that because it’s called “ The Batman” for a reason. The costuming and the vibe matched perfectly. The music made the mood. The color of the background was depressed and we saw the sun at the very end which was lovely. Roberts walk was intimidating. His presence said it all. He was motivated to find whoever was doing all the wrong. Speaking of keeping me at the edge of my seat I think that there was just enough of Catwoman and Batman together. Something I thought of after was what would have happened if she would’ve seen who was under that mask?