This book was our bible when we were suddenly put in place of an orphaned newborn. The mother, barely out of kittnehood herself, was found heavily pregnant and quite sick. She had six kittens and rejected them all. My friend who found the queen (or queen found her?) did her very best to be a sudden mamma to the little fellas but, unfortunately, 4 died within a week. She asked us for help with the last 2 -one of which was not looking well at all and we jumped in. The one did not make it and my daughter and I became obsessed with saving the last. Enter Karen Darrow and her amazing book. Pragmatic, easy approach. Questions answered. Life saved. I HIGHLY recommend this book for anyone who is raising a newborn -novice to pro. It's a great little book.
ps... "Monkey-the-cat" (my daughter named her) just had her 4th birthday.