First they wanted the lybian petrol they choosed sonia Gabroune - the daughter of the bad made fadhila arabic rurality .. ignorant woman Tunisian and lived whith the wife of her father ameur Gabroune 70' - 80' then he went away ... to live whith a laborer woman .. in a manufactury than devorced and married him .. (the arabic brown girl artificially white .. ) end of the 70' .. for a false film made whith actors havi,ng finished they carrier (desease - age .. alcohol .. ) liz taylor .. she (Gabroune called Gabrani ) made more than one film saying words in front of the camera not knowing how to play .. she wanted to be for who has been a sex worker (not obliged to be ) 200 practices of sex in the street (more than 200 complains ) in TUnisia not created but sent to france in 90' .. Sonia Gabroune is the identity of the dossier sent ...continujed Gabroune the prostitution not obliged to do it .. subburbs .. and out of france (towns in europe and arabic countries .. ) the family is not a good family ..