I gave it a 2* cause there's so many glitches that it's frustrating. Had to turn game off and back on cause it froze a few times and some things that's expected for quests are not there, disappeared or stuck in the walls via ground, making it more frustrating. I got trapped between some rocks and had to start over from my last save which took me back about 5 minutes from where I was. Constantly saving cause of that now. Had to reset some trials via puzzles. Tbh it was like I was playing an online pc game which would be cool if it was.
The story in itself is really short. You can complete the main quests in a short time. After you kill ranrok (very last boss) is when you lose interest in the game. At least I did.after he's dead you have the option to get the rest of the field guides and merlin trials or whatever else you zipped by completed but it's all the same trials and really no point in fighting spiders, goblins etc. The goblins and dark witches via wizards say the same exact thing as if Ranrok is still alive.
I have so much money that I don't even know what to spend it on. It would have been really cool if the offspring had different colors other than the beasts ya catch. At the end of the boss ya can also easily maintain shiny beasts and rare scenes pop up more frequently as well.
I've never played on any console (ps or xb system) that had so many glitches. I really hope it gets fixed or whatnot. Hope there's gonna be a part 2 too. Would love to be able to fly and fight, among other things like in the HP movies.
It's all frustrating tbh but it's so addictive too. After awhile ya get used to the resets etc., which is sad.