Firstly all the positive reviews are the same “Longtime Star Wars fan” and “overcome review bombing” but there is no review on the content of the show… Because there is no content it’s complete fluff. Make that trash fluff because it contradicts the entire Star Wars universe.
So let's review the faults:
1 - LORE: I said a show should display the lore of its universe, well Acolyte trashes ALL previous lore from the Star Wars universe and any TRUE longtime fan can understand it: First, they created a notion that the twins were born of supernatural reasons (they want us to infer dark magic and the force) WELL in the first true star wars film (I am referring to them in chronological order [OG 6 films] IE the phantom menace) it is established at LENGTH that Anakin is the first to be born from the force. Additionally it establishes the force as MEDICHLORIANS NOT MAGIC. Obviously species such as the night sisters can manipulate the medichlorians, but there is NO SUCH THING as Magic.
Lore (2) - the sith. It is established in canon, that the appearance of Darth Maul is the first sighting of a sith lord in the modern times. SO WHY IS THERE A SITH IN FRONT OF 6 JEDI. YOU WOULD THINK THAT MAUL WOULD BE EXPECTED WHEN THEY SEE ONE BEFORE HIM!!!! Absolutely ruins the ACTUAL star wars film stories.
Oh and not to mention the bit that INFURIATES me the most. THEY COMPLETELY RUINED the Samuel L Jackson Purple lightsaber bit. Rewriting that ALONE should have cost Haylend and Kathleen Kennedy their careers. Bob Iger is getting ripped off.
Lets go to writing - The villan sister is mad that her twin wants to leave with the jedi, so she burns down everything... reasonable. BUT THEN AFTER LEARNING HER SISTER IS ALIVE, she says "My loyalty is to my sister" and offers to turn herself in… so let’s recap, she tried to KILL her and now has complete loyalty???? That makes zero sense.
Writing (2) - The fighting is the only actual good thing in the series, and so WHY DO THEY ONLY HAVE 1 SCENE IN THE ENTIRE first 3 HOURS OF RUN TIME... ALL IN THE FIRST 5 MINUTES. There is some stupid obsession with not using a weapon, then they literally have a jedi master commit suicide.
Writing (3) - The one thing you cannot mess up is wookies. They had a Wookie jedi; if used, the audience would clap at anything with them... THEY KILLED HIM OFF SCREEN AFTER 6 MINUTES OF USE. complete WASTE of a character.
World Building (1) - the character names are so generic and arcs so bland I can't even remember them. May something, actually its Mei for uniqueness. Useless.
World Building (2) - the jedi are painted as the enemies, only they are depicted as idiots instead. See a sith, lets all walk to him in a straight line. See a child burn down a building, walk by everyone dying and only save the protagonist. Watch everyone in a bar die as you defend yourself from an attacker, but when they threaten the bartender, give up. OH AND WHEN YOUR CONFRONTED IN PERSON BY AN ASSASIN, just GIVE UP AND DRINK THE POISION because your guilty (Without even establishing a REASON).
The directing, Writing, Acting, World Building, and blatant disregard for lore is appalling
This should be stricken from ALL star wars records like Kamino. It is an affront to the world that George Lucas envisioned. Just because a director worked under Lucas does not mean they have the Talent he has, I would think that Chat GPT could make a better and more cohesive show than this pile of elephant dung.