This book is definitely for children! It is idiotic to think that it has anything to do with the current President Trump! My reading it because of what others said about it being about Trump and time traveling was just as ridiculous as those believing the nonsense! It is German and Russian oriented. The boy is a baron, not his name. Don is a Spanish word i.e. Don Juan, being a man, mister, sir AGAIN not a name but a title. NYC was a popular place even back then. Everyone had castles and they all were named after family. Being at the center of the earth I believe was done by another author as well, Jules Verne. Trying to make it work for what people want it to be that Trump time travels is not eerie but just plain weird. You can take any literature and switch it up to meet your ignorance if that is what you want. I say leave it for the children as it was meant to be. I found the book childish, I am use to the poor child being the star not a rich spoiled one. I would not recommend it to my grandchildren who are 8-14yo.