This show is an extremely mixed bag. From horrible references trying to stay hip with the kids, to episodes that have decent morals. The Harris family itself is a mixed bag of characters. The main character Duncan can be extremely annoying and out of his head in many episodes. The adopted daughter Jing is enjoyable. The mother Annie can be pushy and unethical in some episodes but play her role well in others. Jack the dad is just trying to impress or do the best for his family and drives plot of some episodes well. Kimberly is annoying and shows no positive traits, which rings the question of the point of her character to begin with. While some episodes have great morals, well driven plot, and good character arcs others are a complete mess. Mia is the standard crush character for the main protagonist. Her and Duncan's relationship is handled very poorly, to where in the first episode she knows he likes her but theres no type of advancement in character development whether it be positive or negative. Duncanvile's side characters are extremely one noted, their entire arcs revolving around one trait. Episodes that focus on the family itself and push away from the side characters are normally better. This show needs to figure out where it wants to take its characters, what it wants to develop and what kind of show it wants to be, because right now it's a mess. I really wanted to like this show, but I can't say it's 100% worth the watch. It's okay at best, but it has potential to be great. I really hope the episodes ahead prove me wrong.