This film was perfect in its presentation of the Islamic ideal. I curse the Saudi zealots for trying to stop the film. I curse the Egyptian authorities for banning the film. What is more I can see no good reason for not showing the Prophet Muhammad. Nobody would have idolised the actor who portrayed him. They have a picture of Muhammad in the Great Hall in London's Lincoln's Inn and Al Azhar asked the Inn to remove it! But my late boss, the barrister Dr Jamal Nasir who was King Hussein's legal advisor, advised the Inn that there was nothing in the Quran that forbade the image of Muhammad being shown. The Muslim 'scholars' are devils for their misinterpretation of scripture: whether it is the complete myth that Muslim women must cover their hair or that music is a sin or that celebrating birthdays is forbidden. No wonder God, it seems, has abandoned the Muslims. Whether it is Palestine, Bosnia, Chechnya, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Algeria, China, Myanmar, Afghanistan etc it is all the same: the Muslims are crushed, slaughtered and oppressed. God does not answer their prayers in the least. Carry on with your prayers and fasting and haj to Mecca and the lunacy of hijab and niqab; it will not improve anything for you. For the moment God has forgotten about you. You Muslims, as Muhamad Asad once said, don't deserve your religion.