A fascinating work. For me, on reflection, marvellous because Burton observes that, on melancholy, he and his peers,were no further forward in methods of treatment than the Ancient Greeks.
Furthermore, in terms of medicine in general, practitioners in the 1600's were neither consistent nor successful at healing the sick.
Doctors could rarely agree on the nature of ailments, prognosese or availability of service.
Little wonder then perhaps, that the populace of the day were likely to seek help from the available Wickens (those with ancient knowledge) also known as Witches.
The work also caught my attention as Burton wonders whether a better run nation is likely to be a happier one.
He compares the wonderful society that was Israel pre 70ad when, due to persistent sedition, the rather unfortunate Jews seriously fell out with the powerful Romans as defined in the rather gruesome reading that is "The Life and Works of Josephus Flavious".
The lesson to be learned from this second point for me anyway, is don't take the mickey mouse out of those more powerful than me.