Has got to be one of the worst movies of the year. Doesn't stay remotely close to the source content, so if your familiar with the books like I was this isn't the move for you. The movies pacing is downright bad its extremely drawn out for the first 2 hours with little happening. Character building makes you hate the entire cast with one of the mains being transported from the barbie movie. Ironically they could carry over the little good it had. The last 30 to 15 minutes of the movie starts to fix some of its wrongs. It's just so bad it's laughable, but judging by the audience that was in the theater with me it's going to get glowing audience reviews. It couldn't be farther from the reality of the movie. The last 30 min brought me from attempting to make a -1 star review to 2 in the positive... Guys if you love your lady go with them to see it, but be honest with them. Ladies if you love your guy don't force them through this... All I got to say is I love my girlfriend...