Where to begin. I think marketing wise they hyped this film to be the “savior of cinema in Covid time.” Sadly it’s not the savior of anything in fact I feel I lost 3 hours of my life I can’t get back. Acting was fine. Pedro Pescal was a tad over the top not a fan. My kids were very confused by him. Kristen Wiig was great as the “Jamie Foxx as Electro” for a DC movie, but her poorly done CGI “Cheetah” was just dumb. We love KW so that was hard to watch. GG is wonderful as WW and they nailed the casting but her long winded seemingly inappropriately timed incoherent soap boxing was a bit too much.
We loved the first one. My two daughters loved the first one. This one just didn’t hit the marks.
And WTH, we don’t get any closure on the antagonists at all. Like huge misfire