To all those complaining about this game:
If you were expecting EA SKATEâ„¢ with a flashy, yet unimaginative story, annoying, poorly animated NPCs getting in the way and Hall of Meat (which was frankly the worst addition to the SKATE series) you don't deserve this game. This game focuses on what is important: Skateboarding.
Whilst I agree this isn't worth the full game price (I paid the beta price lol) it is filled with well designed, realistic maps, a solid control system that doesn't use canned animations to create a robotic skating style and has a community that is pushing the developers further, by creating user made content, to show Easy Day Studios exactly what the community want from this game. Not only that, but they have also EMPLOYED content creators to work with them on the game. You wouldn't see EA doing that...
If you don't like the controls after three hours of playing, you obviously haven't played it. If you don't like the maps, then you know nothing about skateboarding terrain.
I haven't played this on console, so I can't comment, but for a team as small as Easy Day to create a game with this much style, flow and ingenuity deserves high praise from anyone and playing it on PC has left me with nothing but high hopes for what this game can further evolve into.
I have played every Tony Hawk and Skate game, as well as Session and I can safely say this is the one I will be sticking to for a skateboarding sim. I'm glad this game is creating a divide and thinning the herd of those who would rather keep their thumbs firmly up EA's a**.
Viva Skater XL