WARNING-this is NOT like the origin MARVEL movies of this series!
The studio has almost completely deviated away from any FUN entertainment in this one.
Instead, they have embraced the dark, sledge hammer, shock value humour and shock/horror, ultimate gore cartoon entertainment that leaves nothing to the imagination and that seems to be becoming the trend now in their studios.
For those expecting MARVEL fun and adventure you can take your kids to, this is not a movie I would be happy to see, or recommend any person under 16 watching (15 to 18 is even concerning). Nor for those with depression or mental concerns. (I made the terrible mistake of taking my 18 year old autistic son with me and it took weeks to get his mind around it. Thankfully his general consensus was that he felt uncomfortable watching it and did not like it much.)
More forewarning would have been appreciated thanks MARVEL.
Actual acting was very dead pan and pretty emotionless considering what was happening. As if it were run of the mill everyday stuff. Even the usually brilliant Benedict Cumberbatch couldn’t act his way out of seeming bored and dulled by it all.
And, if the actors were dulled by the darkness and violence of it, what does that mean for the audience who watch if this continues to be the direction MARVEL are taking their movies??
It is a sad reflection on this production when the best non violent enjoyment and comic relief came from a CGI cape! (The only reason why it got a star)
I ended this movie feeling quite mentally tired, saddened, stunned, depressed and somewhat confused and disorientated and very disappointed by it. Gone was the clever, adventurous, humorous and FUN (Mild violence and gore accepted) MARVEL stories that can be enjoyed by the greater general public and families. Something we need in these fairly dark (real world) times.
At least give us FAIR WARNING so our youth and children don’t become traumatised by it or, perhaps worse, desensitised to it!
And leave the gratuitous violence, horror, gore and sledge hammer dark, blunt humour more to the direction and genre of "The Boys" to the minority GRUNGE “Adult” audience who are old enough to fully understand and accept it, and may even like it.
We didn't.