I love these movies, but I think this movie had way too many plotlines. There were a lot of goofs and new plot additions that didn't really pull off in the end. Henry Wu's storyline felt a little odd, and I just wish they paid some ode to the books. Loved Biosyn being a bigger part of the film, but it just seemed weird that this movie was really about bugs affecting humanity and not really the dinosaurs in the end when they were just being relocated. Also how did that Therizinosaurus go from being blind to not? So many things that just didn't make sense, but still made it enjoyable if you didn't think about it too much. Certain things felt under thought and other things were over thought, but they also made this movie in the middle of a pandemic. I still will watch this a million times, but it just kind of disappointed as a final chapter and didn't really feel satisfying to me.