We were enjoying the show very much until last few weeks when the Mausi's evil character was introduced. In trying to make evil Mausi succeed in her mission the writer completely downgraded Katha's character and personality and further demonstrated that evil people can also win in their evil pursuit. As a result, a very strong and good story of Katha completely got downgraded. The writer of the show completely ignored all of the accomplishments up until Viaan's Mausi was brought into the show. The writer, in trying to extend the show also destroyed all other main characters except Ahsan. Also , all arguments offered to Katha's family which were so logical, were ignored showing that all of the characters are so dumb that they were not able to understand simple logic. Further Aarav whose character has been until the end that of an intelligent boy who understands complex life situations, handles adults very well like his grandfather and grandmother and has absolute faith in his mother and great relationship with Robin falls apart in a moment. The writer destroyed Aarav's character showing him to be very weak and insecure. Further Friday Oct 13 show is totally out of alignment with Oct 12 show. If the producers are hoping to bring season 2 of Katha please count us out.